This time of the year tends to be a big stress on the immune system. But did you know that getting sick is actually good for you? Sounds like a funny concept. The more bacterial and viral strains we are exposed to, the more robust our immune response becomes. This is not true, however, if every time that you become ill you are given a prescription medication instead of letting the natural defenses work. Of course, there are times when medications are warranted, this goes without saying. So how do we stay well through this coming winter season naturally?
There is a list of challenges that can make it easier for offending organisms to get ahead of your immune system. I call it “Holiday Syndrome” Too much stress, too much sugar, not enough sleep, not enough hydration and too much alcohol. You get the picture. Couple this nasty combo with being more social, eating at restaurants more often and spending time with the little snotty children (kids with runny noses). If your exposure goes up while your resistance goes down it is a perfect storm for catching the nasty bug that is in circulation.
During winter months prevention tends to be the best medicine. Most people know about the benefit of Vitamin C but are not sure about dosages. Vitamin C is water-soluble and can be taken in high doses to fight off symptoms as well as taken in preventative doses. For 150 lb adults 1,000mg 2X a day is a good preventative dose. Just remember bowel tolerance, if you have diarrhea at that dose, cut back. To compliment the vitamin C, adults can take 100mg of Zinc/day when sick. Too much Zinc causes nausea so cut back on the dose if needed.
Deficiencies in Vitamin D are commonly found in people who seem to get sick often. In areas of poor sunshine, sub-optimal levels of Vitamin D3 are prevalent in the winter time making your immune system more vulnerable. Your doctor can order a blood test to check your levels. The new research suggests optimal levels are between 65-75ng/ml. Many labs are using 30ng as “acceptable” for reference range putting you at a significant risk if your doctor is unaware of the new optimal levels.
To fight off cold symptoms and prevent getting sick I have developed a supplement called Immuno-mend. Immuno-mend is a combination of Medicinal Mushrooms, Beta 1-3 Glucan, Larch Tree and Olive Leaf extract to “kick the butt” of any foreign invaders. Immuno-mend can be used at the sign of any cold or flu symptoms. It is conveniently packaged in small bottles of 60 capsules and can be taken 2 capsules 3X day to get rid of most immune challenges within 2-3 days. When family members and co-workers are sick, take 1 capsule 2x day for prevention. With this tool most people just don’t get sick.
When your temperature is elevated, don’t rush to suppress it. This is part of the body’s innate intelligence to fight off infection. If a “bug” can live at 101 degrees, your body temperature can rise to 102 or 103 to kill off the offending organism. If you suppress the fever early on you will stay sick longer. It’s that simple. Use this knowledge to your benefit, 2 cups of Epsom salts in a hot bath for 15 minutes while sipping a hot medicinal herbal tea can boost your temperature and kill bad bugs faster. We can sustain a 105-degree temperature with no risk to health so just monitor your temp. 104.5 degrees is a safe place to start bringing it down and a good time to call your family doctor.
All of the different colors of veggies have powerful phyto-nutrients that are, quite literally, medicine to feed your system. Make sure to keep a wide, colorful range of fresh veggies in your diet. Home-made soups, stir fry’s, steamed, baked and grilled veggies are powerful for your immune health. Mom was right EAT YOUR VEGGIES!
Lastly, let’s not forget the health of the colon. The gut, where over 70% of your immune system resides, aggressively protects your body from outside offenders. Taking a pharmaceutical grade “spore probiotic” through the winter will greatly support your increased immunologic needs.
My prescription to stay well this winter:
• Drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water a day increasing with exercise.
• Do not skip hours of sleep, try to get 7.5 hours of sleep minimum.
• Avoid excess sugar consumption, EAT YOUR VEGGIES.
• Exercise regularly.
• Maintain a positive attitude as studies have shown this to benefit the immune system.
• Take 1,000mg pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C 2x day.
• Take pharmaceutical grade Zinc Picolinate 25-50mg/day.
• Use Immuno-Mend 2 capsules 3x day at the first sign of illness. 1 capsule 2x day if others close to you are not feeling well.
• Take Mega-Spore-Biotic 1 capsule 2x day all winter long.
• Take pharmaceutical grade Vitamin D 3 35 I/U per pound of body weight daily. (If you weigh 140 lbs take 5,000 I/U a day unless you have blood work to confirm specific needs.
Remember health is a choice, just like choosing not to get sick.
Think healthy and stay healthy.
Have a fantastic winter season!
Dr. Conan Shaw
Functional Medicine
Certified Clinical Nutritionist