Why do we need diet modification? A Mt. Sinai School of Medicine study last year found that of the 167 chemicals discovered among the volunteers tested, 94 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, 76 are carcinogenic and 79 are linked to birth defects. The number one source of these toxins? The air we breathe. The number two source? The food we eat.
It tends to be a bit of a social challenge to walk around in a HazMat suit or Darth-Vader respirator to protect yourself from toxins, so the next best step is to clean up your diet a good bit. But what version of the over 3000 diets on public record is the best fit for you? That is not an answer easily found from your good friend “Dr. Google”.
Do you need the best diet for too much stress, too many histamines and multiple hormone imbalances? How about the best diet for auto-immune disease, migraines and constipation? What about just jumping on the latest fad diet, Intermittent Modified Keto sounds like a good experiment for the next month right? Not really.
In the practice of Functional Medicine and as a Certified Clinical Nutritionist the “One Size Fits All” diet approach is absurd. Why didn’t the diet your best friend go on work for you? Because you are two different people with completely different needs. With over twenty years of clinical experience and diagnostics to support the direction we take your diet, I will help simplify this dietary confusion for you.
Another good question, do you need diet modification or are you at the point where you might be looking for a healthier lifestyle? “Diet” is a bit of a nasty word to some people.
I think the answer to “why we need diet modification” is simple, the bigger question is what is the best diet modification to support your unique needs at this time, and what diet should you transition to once you have regained your health? The diet that we might use to allow healing in your body might only be healthy to follow for sixty days, where should you go from there?
I am happy to help you answer these questions. — Dr. Conan Shaw Functional Medicine, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Pittsburgh PA