The discipline of Human Clinical Nutrition applies principles derived from current biochemical and physiological scientific knowledge for the purpose of promoting optimal health while recognizing biochemical individuality. The Certified Clinical Nutritionist assesses a person’s nutritional needs to achieve normal physiological function. Assessment includes the use of appropriate test and observations such as case history, anthropomorphic measurements, physical signs, laboratory tests, and nutrition/lifestyle analysis to determine an educational nutrition program. Assessment also provides the basis for referral to a licensed physician, or other health care professional.
The educational protocol may include, among other information, nutrition / lifestyle modification, nutritive supplementation, understanding of physiological/biochemical pathways, and evoking of regenerative processes.
As a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Dr. Shaw considers that the foundation of the body’s ability to heal comes from eating the right foods first. The most important aspect of this consideration is that knowing there are over 3000 diets on public record, which one is the most clinically relevant diet for you? Let’s start there. From the foundation of consuming the most appropriate foods for your individual needs, a therapeutic nutrition program can be outlined to support the systems that need help recovering.
The power is in the name, “Clinical” “Nutrition”. The foods that you consume provide Nutritional Support that changes your Clinical Presentation. The right foods promote healing.— Dr. Conan Shaw Functional Medicine, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Pittsburgh PA