With Gratitude…
The highest form of compliment that a doctor can receive is from patient referrals. Through your referrals over the years, I have been able to help many people in and around our community renew their health. We are very proud that over 90% of our practice is by patient referral. I look forward to continue serving you and our growing health community. With sincere gratitude…
~ Dr. Conan Shaw
“After four years of working with an endocrinologist who refused to accept I had a health issue, a close friend referred me to Dr. Shaw. In less than two months, Dr. Shaw determined why I had a hormone imbalance and corrected that allowing my body to restore itself to normal function. I lost 23 pounds and that was a BONUS! My primary reason for seeing Dr. Shaw was for debilitating afternoon fatigue. That was resolved in 14 days.” – Debbie M. 39
“I had a decade of suffering and multiple diagnoses, so many drugs and 12 different doctors. I was so tired and always felt uncomfortable in my body. When I sat down with Dr. Shaw and he discussed then diagnosed bio-toxin illness with me, it was the first time that someone actually knew what was wrong, understood what i was describing, acknowledged all of my concerns and actually had answers for my questions. I was so tired of doctors just running more tests, telling me i was healthy, giving referrals to other doctors or trying more experimental drugs. It took 6 months with Dr. Shaw and slowly I climbed out of the shadows but I was slowly getting better the whole time. I love being healthy but even better knowing why I was sick” Oh yea and I’m off all medications. – Jason F 46
“My digestive problems had me hospitalized three times. I was medicated heavily and still suffering. My Gastro doctor had sent me to Cleveland Clinic where I was given stronger medications. A colleague had success with similar problems and referred me to Dr. Shaw. In three months I was off all medications and pain free, reflux free, lower colon symptom free. Was changing my diet worth it? 100% best of all I understand what the problem was and how to prevent it. – Donald M 45
“I had unexplained infertility which was frustrating because I figured there had to be a reason. We were about to consider our second IVF when a co-worker who was on maternity leave emailed me and told me about Dr. Shaw. He ran different blood tests than the reproductive endocrinologist and on my third cycle we were pregnant. Dr. Shaw explained the “why” behind my fertility issue. I was also healthier than I have ever been and I know that helped. Miracles! Thank you Dr. Shaw”! Dana B. 36
“Dr. Shaw taught me the difference between weight loss and health. What I thought was a “healthy clean diet” was not healthy for my body type. I have lost 56 lbs by supporting my body the way it needed and eating properly for my unique makeup. I didn’t exercise at first because I wasn’t up to it but now that I feel great it is part of my program and I’m still going strong. Thanks Doc! -Jamie L. 48
“My 14 year old daughter was depressed and tired all of the time for about 6 months, her pediatrician said “normal teen stuff”. I couldn’t rest with that and my neighbor recommended Dr. Shaw. He identified a food sensitivity, two vitamin deficiencies, and anemia. In one month, my daughter is back to her normal confident, happy self. She is still a teenager though, Dr. Shaw said that part just takes time. He is the best”! Amber T. – 44
“Eczema and IBS resolved in 60 days. No more medications, no more visits to the multiple doctors I worked with for 3 years. Dr. Shaw taught me how my body could heal its self if given the right support. There is nothing as great as knowing why you had health issues and how to correct them with lifestyle modification and diet, Super Satisfied!” Meghan T. – 37
“I was sick all the time, as a 3rd grade teacher exposed to kids and germs i thought it was to be expected. I was referred to Dr. Shaw by another teacher who noticed I was ill often. Dr. Shaw changed my diet so my immune system is now stronger than the stress from what I am exposed to. That was a much better option than taking sick days and doctor visits and antibiotics all of the time. I was not sick one time last winter (knock on wood)”. Petra O -25
“Dr. Shaw helped me correct a broad range of problems including depressive symptoms, insomnia, muscle pain, and auto immune disease. I was working with a number of doctors who were treating the symptoms but not identifying the reason for my suffering because modern medicine had everything segregated in my body. Dr. Shaw found all of my problems were coming from one issue and I am now healthy. The greatest day was when my 5 year old looked in my eyes and said “mommy I’m so glad you are back”. eternally grateful” – Emily P. 34
“I had recurring migraines, 3 neurologists and 5 prescription medications. The side effects of the medications were terrible but they were not as bad as the weekly headaches so I stayed medicated and sick. With Dr. Shaw I was off of all of my medications in 60 days and migraine free. He said “I don’t really treat the migraine I treat the reason they are coming and they will stop”. Life Changing! – Sara W. 29
“I am an ER Nurse Practitioner, I felt alive when in the face of trauma and patient care but my personal life was riddled with fatigue, depression, lack of motivation and PMS. Dr. Shaw taught me about adrenal fatigue and the specific way it changed my thyroid and hormones. I was off of my depression medications in three months, lost 32 lbs and have regained my normal quality of life. Working in the medical field i was unaware of how advanced functional medicine is, remarkable. – Ann H. 35
“Menopause was an eye opener. The weight gain was not as bad as the loss of who i used to be. I refused to take the medical hormone replacement therapies because of the family cancer risk, turns out I didn’t need replacements at all. I lost three sizes in four months, sleep through the night and feel fantastic. I highly recommend Dr. Shaw”! -Kimberly N. 54
“Brain Fog sounds like a silly problem but I was never able to have clear thoughts or focus well on anything. Food sensitivity, toxic gut and a few vitamin deficiencies. Resolved 45 days” Dr. Shaw is the Best”! Bethany H. -32
“I was diabetic, hemoglobin A1c was 7.2. I was on multiple high blood pressure medications, cholesterol medications, diabetes medications and antidepressants. I met Dr. Shaw and that all changed. In 6 months I lost 58 lbs, got off of all of my medications, am no longer diabetic Hemoglobin A1c is 5.6 and I have been reacquainted with the person who i used to be -the healthy me.
Greatest experience ever”. -Roger M. – 48
“I had joint pain and headaches for years. I ended up with stomach ulcers from taking too many pain medications. I work in a warehouse so Dr. Shaw tested me for toxic metals. I had a number of elevated levels, so after fixing my stomach we detoxed metals and I have no more pain”. I was taking drugs for my symptoms and the drugs were tearing my insides up. All I had to do was detoxify my body.” Clint F. -28